Climate Science History - interactive style

After a lot of work and effort by a number of Skeptical Science contributors, we are proud to announce a new 'multimedia' interactive application that allows you to explore the history of climate science in a different way.

Building on John Mason's excellent History of Climate Science article, the new Interactive Timeline presents the information in bite size chunks as events on a sideways scrolling timeline. If you see something that interests you, a more detailed description is just a click away.

I hope that this way of presenting the information will broaden the audience and it should complement John's article which took a different approach.

In the process of assembling the content we have added events and scientists that were not mentioned in John's article, we also added some events that are of interest from a wider perspective.

The idea behind the project is to show just how long scientists have been studying the climate and related fields of science. By scrolling through the timeline you can get a good overview of the subject and you only have to dip into the detail if you feel like it.

A couple of Skeptical Science contributors have been involved with the project. John Garrett produced all the illustrations, Bärbel Winkler helped with getting the texts up to scratch, John Mason provided some of the initial texts and inspiratrion, John Cook helped getting clearance for a few of the photos and I did the programming and most of the text editing (I became the default text editor and author).

You can try the timeline below or it is also available on the dedicated resources page.


Move Timeline - simply move the mouse cursor, or if you have a touch screen your finger, over the grey timeline bar at the bottom of the app. Moving the cursor to the right will take you up the through the years, moving to the left side will take you down through the years.

View Event Details - simply click on an event or touch it once, to open a pop up window displaying the details of the year, event and people. Some popups have illustrations or photographs as well as text.

Embedding - If you would like the application to appear on your blog web page or your web site, copy and paste the following html into the page. Note it is advisable that the height and width are not altered:


Posted by Paul D on Monday, 4 November, 2013

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